Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Charles L. Hyde Estate

 The Charles Livingston Hyde estate designed by James Brown Lord c. 1899 in Tuxedo Park, New York.  Hyde, member of the defunct banking firm of Hyde & Jackson, was president of the Brunswick and Birmingham Railroads and vice-president of the New Orleans and Northwestern Railroad.  Hyde's daughter would marry Darragh Park of Old Westbury, NY and their daughter Edith would marry Alastair Martin, son of Bradley Martin of 'Knole' also in Old Westbury.  The residence burned in 1962.

Photos from Architecture, 1900.


The Ancient said...

From "Their Gilded Cage":

Charles Livingstone Hyde (1863-1925), banker and railroad president. Hyde was an 1886 graduate of Yale. He was vice president of the New Orleans and Northwestern Railroad and president of the Brunswick and Birmingham Railroads. His first wife, a daughter of Charles Godfrey, died in 1904. Three years later he married Kathlyn Berrien Stryker, daughter of General Willliam Scudder Stryker [and Elizabeth Atterbury]. Their daughter was Dorothy, Mrs. Darragh A. Park of Westbury, Long Island, and their son was Louis K. Hyde. He died in Plainfield, New Jersey.

Assorted links from the NYT:

(Mr Hyde is probably not related to Mark Zuckerberg.)

(Back in the first Gilded Age, cheaters may have been punished with more regularity.)

(At the very least, on the death of his first wife, he lost his daughter to her maternal grandparents.)

The Ancient said...

James Brown Lord

Other buildings by Lord:

(Dilettante -- There's a picture here for you.)

Lord's obit:

(He was unlucky in his neighbors to the end.)

The Ancient said...

The house burned in 1962, but the stables are probably still extant --

The Down East Dilettante said...

Interesting about the Henning cottage. No one seems to know anything about it---where it was intended to be, let alone if it was ever built---nor do the old Society columns ever report Mrs. Henning in Bar Harbor, although they do find her in Tuxedo.

The Down East Dilettante said...

Incidentally, the company selling the print is a source of great irritation to me, apparently pretending that the awful hand color job, which ruins the engraving in my estimation, is rare original intent.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how so many of these wonderful structures "burned down".