Friday, July 6, 2012

'Meadow Farm'

 'Meadow Farm', the Herbert Henry Lehman estate designed by Harry Allen Jacobs c. 1918 in Purchase, New York.  Lehman was Governor of New York from 1933-1942 and U.S. Senator from 1950-1957.  His father was Mayer Lehman, one of the founders of Lehman Brothers.  In 1953 'Meadow Farm' was sold to Joseph F. Stein, founder and chairman of Stein's Stores, Inc.  In 1956 the estate was offered for conversion to medical offices though I do not know what came of that or if the house is extant (Purchase Street).

Photos from Architecture, 1919.

1 comment:

The Ancient said...

A few links --

(A description of the grounds. See column 2.)

(Additional siting information -- see Postscript.)

(Brief NYT story regarding a 1933 benefit event.)

(NYT article from 1956 regarding proposed conversion of the estate for medical uses.)

(Lehman obit.)

(Regarding Harry Allan Jacobs. See Page 6.)

(Off Purchase Street there is a Meadow Lane and, nearby, a street called Sky Meadow Farm. I don't see the house ...)