Showing posts with label Walker and Gillette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walker and Gillette. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Joseph E. Stevens Residence

 The Joseph Earle Stevens residence designed by Walker & Gillette between 1909-1912 in Tuxedo Park, New York.  In 1898 Stevens published a book titled Yesterdays in the Philippines, click HERE to read a NYTimes review from the same year.  Click HERE to see the Stevens residence on bing.

Photos from Architectural Record, 1912.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Goshen Inn

 The Goshen Inn designed by Walker & Gillette c. 1912 in Goshen, New York.  The inn was largely financed by the residents of Tuxedo and Arden under the leadership of Mrs. E.H. Harriman.  The building was sited to front the Goshen Common while the rear faced the race track at the fair grounds.  Click HERE for a 1912 NYTimes article on the construction of the Goshen Inn.  Today the inn functions as a catering hall, click HERE to see it on bing.

Photos from The Brickbuilder, 1913.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The H.P. Davison Residence

The Henry Pomeroy Davison residence designed by Walker & Gillette c. 1917 at 690 Park Avenue in New York City. Davison was a financier and senior partner at J.P. Morgan. Click HERE to see Davison's Long Island estate 'Peacock Point' also by Walker & Gillette. The city residence is now the Italian Consulate. Click HERE to see the Davison residence on google street view.

Photos from Architecture, 1919.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The William G. Loew Residence

The first William Goadby Loew residence designed by Walker & Gillette c. 1912 on Madison Avenue and East 39th Street in New York City. Loew was a stockbroker and founder of Loew & Co. which in 1938 was absorbed by W.H. Goadby & Co. Loew would eventually sell this house and in 1932 had Walker & Gillette design him a new house at 56 East 93rd Street, click HERE to see that house on google street view. This home has since been demolished.

Photos from Architectural Record, 1914.